Hi Guys,
right so me and my cousin thought that you guys have the right to know if were a little bit off lately that is because we've both been woken up to some very bad news....... my Bamps dog has pasted away. we wasent just a dog tho.... He was a very close family member and a very loved and well treated friend. he wasent always 'the happy dog' he was the more of 'the grumpy and spoilt dog' ha-ha he always had a happy life and he was always very nice to people although he wasent very good with youngers he learnt to get on with then after awhile.... my bamp had Benji for about 10 years which is around about 80-85 in dog years... That's older than my Bamp altogether..... ok so Benji was happy in his later life years and time got on when my mum was taking care of my nan and bamp or if you like to call it grandmother and grandfather.... he got a lot happier because we were able to go out and buy him toys and squeaky toys and dentistix (you know the sticks that clean the teeth of dogs) but he had pasted away from a slipped disk in his back.... he had been having trouble for awhile.... falling over and not being able to control his feet and he couldn't look up :'( ...... he went to stay in over night in the vets and he wasent responding and it was to costly to give him the medical treatment so my Bamps only option was to put him down :'( im like crying as I'm writing this.... so yeah that's why I've been abit off lately so if you are wondering what's been going on with me.... me and my family have had to deal with this news....
Thanks for listening and Thank you for all the lovely support and my cousin would love some support from you guys: he also runs a blog but he likes to write about animes blood guts and gore so on ha-ha. check his blog out Here .
Thank You Guys For All Your Support And Good Bye For Now
xxx Shea-Lo xxx
Peace Out ha-ha
awww here 4 sophie you know ok if you need me i'll be right next to :)