Thursday, 28 July 2016

My Summer Essentials

hi guys,
so I'm back again doing my second post! yay!!!!!!. So since its just turned summer I thought that it would be cool to do a summer essentials so lets kick things off shall we.
so for my first summer essential I thought I wold start off with the basics sun glasses and sun cream now I think that they are the most important things to carry with you in the summer ever! not only because the sunscreen can protect your skin but also because its handy for other people because sharing's caring right haha! my second summer essentials is obviously going to be makeup wipes because in the hot weather you get sticky and sometimes it feels like your makeup is literally melting off of your face! haha. my next essential is hand sanitizer, now I wouldent consider this a 'summer' essential but an all year round essential just because bacteria is everywhere and its better to be safe than sorry right. now my next one is basics and that's a charger, your purse and your house and car keys. Now I don't really have to explain these now do I... next up is to carry around a small makeup bag containing matte powder, mascara and lip balm, etc; again really don't have to explain that one either. another great essential in the summer is some jewellery to go with the outfit that you decide to wear, although I'm one of those people that takes jewellery off after. Awhile and then puts it back on. Hahah 😂. Next up is spare flip flops now I'm nota person to take these although if I'm going to the beach etc; I will because otherwise sand can get into your socks and shoes and it makes me feel sick, but that's just me personally. Another one I wouldn't personally take but is a good idea is hand/ body lotion only because when ur doing things you want to be sure robe able to moisturise your hands and body. On the subject of body another great thing to carry with you is body spray.... I don't have to explain this one.... Let's just move on shall we ... Next up is. Nail polish , well if your on the beach and just bored at least you can paint your nails although that's another good thing just to pop into your makeup bag along with your powder. Another ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS is Water because yo can never be to hydrated.... Actually as. I write this on my cousins iPads ( he has a blog check it out here -  I'm actually sippin on some ice cold water .... It's very refreshing for the body ... Another good thing to carry around with you in the. Summer is paracetamol, just because if your anything like me you get heat stroke VERYYY EASILY and when you don't wear a hat everybody needs to avoid you because you get very cranky hahaha. 😂 Last but not least is some snacks or a protein bar because sometimes if you have a little snack then your heatstroke seems to calm down well that's what it does for me anyway haha 😂 Ok so that's me done I hope you loved my second post and I hope to see you soon in my next blog post and thanksgorreading and hoped you enjoyed
Make sure to check out. my cousin's blog here-
Thanks for reading and see you soon xxxxx bye xxxxx

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