Friday 22 July 2016

10 Facts About Me

Hi Guys,

So... this is my first ever! post and I thought I would kick things off with a good old fashioned 10 Facts About Me! So ive been thinking of starting a blog for a good few years but have never really had the time to do it, however I have just split up for the 6 week holiday!. YAY!!. so I thought hay YOLO right.... so here I go, Wish me luck... Here are 10 things about me, HOPE YOU ENJOY xx

1. for my first fact its pretty basic and that is my full name, ok so my first name is Sophie Shea-Ann Dark. That's where I got the Shea out of Shea-Lo from.

2. another pretty basic one is my birthday, so my birthday is the 29th April and im 14 years of age to this present day

3. some of my current favourite songs are final song by mo. another one of my favourite songs are company by Justin Bieber.

4.some of my intrests are youtube, beauty and fashion

5. I enjoy to spend a lot of my time with my family (aka im very family oriented if that's how you spell it haha lol)

6. some of my favourite foods are pizza, fries, chicken and salad, not forgetting shepherds pie/ cottage pie haha favourite book is by Zoe Sugg (Aka Zoella) and my favourite one by her is her second one however she is writeing her third novel so I am extremely excited for that

8. my eye colour is blue an my natural hair colour is brown however I have died my hair many times before and I was blonde for almost 3 years before I died my hair back to my naturl colour a few months ago. I have also died my hair pink all over before, that was fun haha

9. my favourite animal is probably a tiger or lion im not really fussed on animals but I do love big cats so does that count haha

10. ahhh finally, last but not least my favourite place has got to be barry island beach its just so fun and when ur there with your family its just amazing ( unless you have a spoiled little brother like me ahahah ) and the night life with the fun fair is so cool and fun when all the lights are lit up its just magical, it gives you butterflies, like a happy ending.

ok so thas my 10 facts that I have shared with you today, I hope you enjoyed. I currently trying to think of upload days so if you have any days in mind don't hesitate to message me on my social medias listed on the pafe somewhere hahaha xxx thanks for reading and hope to see you reading my next post and hope you comment and follow/ subscribe . see you soon


  1. Thanx for the top 10 idea and the blog p.s. I love your photo🤓🤓🤓🤓

    1. Thank you so much i also love your blog ❤

    2. Thank you so much i also love your blog ❤
